School Board Information

I Want to Hear from You!

Contact me directly:

My primary role as a member of the School Board is to address the concerns of district students, guardians, teachers and community members to the best of my ability. Please reach out to me so that I can represent your voice!

Phone: 802-735-8104 Email:

Speak at a school board meeting:

Our monthly meetings are a great time to voice concerns and desires. Please join us at either the Christa McAullife Auditorium or at Central Office so that we can hear from you directly!

Board Meeting Calendar

School Board Priorities and Relevant Policies

Transgender & GNC Student Policy

Recently, policy #162 Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students was passed in order to protect students and cultivate inclusivity in our schools. 

Suicide Prevention Policy

The school board voted on July 6th to enact a comprehensive suicide prevention policy. This policy will be available in all schools and is an example for other districts to follow. Thank you to all the district staff, administrators, and other parties who worked diligently to put this together.

Access the policy by clicking here

Back to School for Fall 2021

The Instructional Committee and district administration has been working to update Covid-19 protocols and technology accommodations. At this time, the board has been presented with a plan for full in person learning this upcoming fall.

Access the proposed plan here

Anti-racism Initiatives Being Taken by the District

Within our schools we are working to create a safer, more inclusive, and equitable environment where every student can thrive. Finding a path forward will not be easy but we are committed to listening to the community and continually updating our policies to address these dynamic issues. 

The Anti-racism and equity advisory committee meets regularly to guide initiatives and develop a framework for the district to follow.

Middle School Project

After years of discussion, the school board voted to move forward with initial planning stages for the middle school project. No location has been decided yet. State building aid is due in early 2022, which is an integral deadline for the district to meet to ensure our project can receive some subsidization and the costs will not be footed entirely by local tax payers.

See project updates here