Post-Election Coverage

(Photo owned by the Concord Monitor)

(Photo owned by the Concord Monitor)

“Walsh, West, Weinberg and Hastings win Concord School Board”

Click on the picture above to read the complete article

Jonathan joins the Whitman Wire podcast to discuss the campaign and election win

Click on the picture above to listen to Jonathan speak to Annie Means at the Whitman Wire

“A Student Serving Students: Whitman Junior Wins New Hampshire School Board Election”

Click on the picture above to read about Jonathan’s article in the Whitman magazine




Concord Monitor

“I understand the nuances that happen within the halls that people who may not have been students recently, might miss.”

Read the rest of the article here


Patch (Concord, NH)

“Weinberg, a graduate of Concord High School two years ago, said he was running to rebuild school leadership and trust with the board and build on some of the work he performed as a student — including embracing multiculturalism, supporting solar panels on schools, and organizing a 17 minute service after the Parkland school shooting.”

Read the rest of the article here

SURJ (Showing up for Racial Justice) Questionnaire

“Regardless of the forum for school, I will elevate voices in marginalized communities so decisions are determined by those who could be most affected.”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s responses here


Concord Monitor, “Candidates on the Issues”

“As a recent graduate of the Concord school system who has worked tirelessly to build more inclusive and equitable spaces for the students and community, I will bring a fresh perspective to a school board that has grown detached from the needs of real students and teachers.”

Read the rest of Jonathan’s responses here

Interviews Cont.


Patch Candidate Profile (Concord, NH)

“I am running because I experienced and witnessed both the amazing and the horrors in our schools and understand that bandaids are not enough for the challenges facing our district.”

Read the rest of the article here




Our Turn: Concord students deserve better from school board

“To the young folks of our community: Understand that this is your moment, and we need you to run for office so you can stand up for the students in your district. It is abhorrently clear that few others will.”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s co-authored article with Concord High alumni here

Letter: On school board, I will prioritize school safety

“I have a history of putting students’ well-being first and forging more inclusive spaces in our schools, and I will continue to do so as a member of the board.”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s letter here

Editorials Cont.


My turn: A School Board Member’s Take on HB 1393

“We don’t have to imagine what could happen, we just need to look at what is happening in Croydon, a small western New Hampshire town bordering Vermont, which is reeling from a low turnout town meeting a few weeks ago, in which 20 of the 34 residents in attendance voted to slash their school district budget by more than half from $1.7 million to $800,000.”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s “My Turn” here

Op-ed: What we can do to help prevent gun violence

“What we can and should do is have these discussions. The ones that seem scary, hard, out of someone’s purview because otherwise reducing the divisiveness will not be possible. Listen to those with whom you disagree and acknowledge you hear them..”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s op-ed here

Editorials Cont.


My Turn: What we can do to help prevent gun violence

“It’s pretty simple – just face and listen to those with whom you disagree directly and use the preventative measures that are available, such as background checks, waiting periods and gun-free school zones unless with authorization, to act rather than react.”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s editorial here


Column: Sununu Must Listen to the “Lockdown” Generation

“Students throughout New Hampshire reject this attempt to disguise school-related violence as a result of misplaced kindness in school communities.”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s co-authored column here

Letter: COVID-19 and Race

“The state and the federal government do more to allow white people to protest safety than they do to protect people of color from dying.”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s Letter to the Editor here


Letter: The need for truth and accountability

“The dissemination of false information regarding COVID-19 is one of the most dangerous aspects of this pandemic.”

Read the entirety of Jonathan’s Letter to the Editor here